Why Law Firm Branding is Essential to Accelerate Law Firm Growth

Does your law firm branding look like the firm down the street and every other firm in your area? Why would a client pick you or your firm to represent them?

If your brand is not differentiated, then you are down to personal referrals and relationships to generate leads. This means your ability to acquire new clients is limited by the number of attorneys you have asking for referrals, networking, working events, etc.

To generate real growth, you need to create a marketing funnel that pulls people to your brand so you can engage them with relevant content, convincing them to request a meeting.

In order to do this, your law firm brand must be differentiated from your competitors in a way that is highly relevant to the specific clients you are trying to attract and acquire. Your brand must be consistently communicated across every touchpoint experienced by a potential client.

Our Expert Law Firm Fractional CMOs can help your firm stand out in a meaningful way from your competitors.

Differentiation is Critical When Branding a Law Firm

In the law firm “sea of sameness,” how does a prospect choose a firm to represent them? Our approach to effectively branding a law firm is focused on helping your firm attract as many clients as possible.

​Your Law Firm Fractional CMO will discover what makes your firm differentiated. We find the most powerful aspects and unique benefits of your firm that make you stand out from your competitors. By understanding the work your firm does and by researching your competition, we can help identify key points of differentiation that appeal to prospective clients.

​Effective branding and positioning is an essential component to increasing your firm’s revenue.

Successful Branding for Law Firms is Relevant to Potential Clients

The points of differentiation for your law firm will only yield engagement if they are relevant to prospects.  Effective branding for law firms is founded on a deep understanding of the clients they wish to serve. This understanding includes the services, benefits, value, and aspects of legal representation that are most important to them.

Your Law Firm Fractional CMO will work with you to understand your targeted clients. Matching what prospects value with your points of differentiation will attract them to your firm. Your resulting brand positioning becomes a powerful piece of your marketing strategy. 

Your Law Firm Brand Must be Consistently Communicated Everywhere

Now that you have key points of differentiation, your Law Firm Fractional CMO will work with you to finalize your law firm’s brand strategy. Your brand strategy will be reflected across your entire marketing plan to ensure consistent communication about your firm.

Your law firm brand positioning and your key points of differentiation are the foundation of your communication approach. Your Fractional CMO will lead the communication of your brand across all client touch points. These include your website, digital and traditional advertising, brochures, signage, et cetera.

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Working With a Law Firm Branding Agency

While you may already be working with, or believe you need to work with a law firm branding agency, our expert CMOs can actually take you through a brand-building exercise. Our proven marketing transformation process does not require an outside agency to build your brand.

Your Law Firm Fractional CMO has expertise in guiding your leadership team through the creation of your brand strategy and will keep your brand and positioning in context with your overall marketing strategy.