We'll Perform a Detailed Marketing Assessment

Are you questioning if your firm’s marketing efforts are providing the intended business impact? Our expert CMOs will do a deep dive into your marketing activities and create a detailed assessment of your actions and investments. We will also provide your law firm with recommendations on what would increase performance.

​Are you investing in the right marketing channels to increase leads? Is your marketing taking advantage of the disruptive digital marketing practices available? Is your marketing as innovative as it should be? Let our team of expert chief marketing officers analyze your efforts and recommend actionable new marketing initiatives to drive firm growth.

Not sure how your marketing is performing? Identify the gaps and opportunities with one of our Expert CMOs.

What is a Marketing Assessment?

A marketing assessment is a data-driven, deep dive into your current marketing practices. We provide an evaluation of your marketing initiatives that indicates what is and isn’t making an impact on your business Then, we offer recommendations to improve your law firm’s marketing performance. Recommendations could include changes within your existing marketing channels or strategies your firm has yet to implement.

We Compare Your Firm to Your Competitors

Tell us your main competitors, and we’ll gain access to as much of their marketing performance data as possible. We have digital marketing tools that can compare your law firm’s performance data to your competitors. Knowing what your competitors are doing will inform new marketing opportunities meant to outpace them. 

Final Deliverable

Our team of expert CMOs will present and deliver a comprehensive deck that outlines your performance and gives recommendations to elevate your marketing game. Your marketing assessment will be detailed, data-driven, and actionable so that your firm can take immediate steps towards improved performance.

Business team meeting to conference