Law Firm Digital Marketing

Your Prospects Are Online and Your Law Firm Needs Disruptive Digital Marketing to Capture Them

Law firms are beginning to recognize the importance of incorporating digital as part of their marketing efforts. Why? Only a fraction of potential clients are going to come through a referral. Most potential clients don’t have a referral and, therefore, they are conducting online research to understand what type of attorney they need and to compare law firms in an effort to choose the best one. With more law firms engaging online, competition is higher, requiring a customized, strategic approach to win these prospective clients.

Many firms hire a digital marketing agency to move them into the digital space to compete for these online prospects, only to become frustrated by the lack of results and accountability. The lack of a customized marketing strategy to guide the agency results in random acts of marketing and concern around the value they are getting from their agency investment.

Our expert Law Firm Fractional CMOs join your leadership team and guide you through our proven approach to create a customized marketing strategy that will deliver your growth goals. We find and onboard the right agencies for your customized law firm digital marketing strategy. We then stay on to direct the agencies, deliver marketing performance, and hold the agencies accountable.

Are you capturing the multitudes of potential clients online who are searching for your services right now?

Importance of a Law Firm Digital Marketing Strategy

Our Expert Law Firm Fractional CMOs Create and Manage Customized Digital Marketing strategies That Deliver Results

Common Law Firm Digital Marketing Frustrations We Hear

Our Marketing Efforts are Not Producing the Right Amount of Qualified Leads to Grow My Firm

I am Frustrated That My Digital Marketing Agencies are Not Performing 

I Don’t Know the Return on My Marketing Spend or How it’s Impacting Growth

Our Digital Marketing is Neither Innovative Nor Taking Advantage of the Latest Practices

How We Build a Customized Digital Marketing Strategy for Law Firms